Yes Hearing
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About the brand
Yes Hearing was launched in 2019 in New York. It expanded to Florida and then over 40 other states in the US. The company has over 400 specialists that offer free consultations and are ready to assist in choosing the right device for your hearing loss. You continue by ordering the desired product from their online store, and a specialist delivers it to your doorstep. Before you consider this company, here’s a detailed Yes Hearing review. Read it before deciding whether they... are the right option for purchasing a hearing instrument! Read more
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Our Verdict
Yes Hearing has quickly established itself as a leading provider in the hearing aid market by offering convenient, home-delivered solutions at an affordable price. Since its founding, Yes Hearing has empowered thousands of individuals to regain their hearing and enhance their lives. The company’s hearing aids are known for their cutting-edge technology and ease of use, making it simple for users to experience improved hearing from the comfort of their homes.
Phone consultations available at no cost
A huge range of hearing aid devices
Delivery in 40+ states
Limited phone support
Monthly pricing options only for certain instruments
Products & Pricing
Yes Hearing works with five manufacturers to offer an all-around product selection to its clients. We can divide the pricing into four groups, with the entry option being Essential hearing aids. These are for customers who don’t often go to noisy or crowded surroundings and only need amplification.
Advanced hearing instruments offer Bluetooth and rechargeable battery features but are still suitable if you don’t spend much time in noisy surroundings. Go with Premium devices if you are moderately active, or choose Ultimate if you go to offices, restaurants, and other places where it’s frequently crowded.
Monthly payments are available depending on the model and if you are eligible for a payment plan offered on the company’s site. The prices are per pair, so you could say Yes Hearing is worth the money. There’s a 45-day money-back guarantee, and you can initiate a refund easily to get your money back if you aren’t happy with the hearing instrument.
In-depth review
Available Devices
Based on the features mentioned above, we picked a single unit from each brand to describe below. Please note the selection doesn’t end there since Yes Hearing has dozens of devices available based on your needs.
Resound One
You can pick from three different models in this series – Resound ONE 5, 7, and 9. The hearing instrument is unique since it contains a receiver-in-ear and a microphone to maximize sound quality.
The BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing adds a microphone that’s in the ear, and not only over the ear, which ensures better directional hearing, which is helpful in noisy environments. Resound One also suppresses wind noise and crowds. The hearing aid is compatible with Android and iOS devices and supports streaming calls via Bluetooth. The price goes anywhere from $1,975 per ear to $4,550 per pair, but you also have a six-month payment option.
Oticon Xceed 3 BTE
Oticon Xceed 3 behind-the-ear hearing instrument is an advanced aid for improved speech understanding. You use Bluetooth technology to connect it to Android or iOS devices, and the Oticon ON App works perfectly.
The manufacturer utilizes a patented BrainHearing technology for excellent speech clarity in crowded environments. You can go with super and ultra-power options, which are both suitable for people with severe to profound hearing issues. It’s only possible to get the price upon requesting it from Yes Hearing customer service.
Signia Silk 2 X
It’s one of the more affordable variants available on the site, with the price starting at $975 per earpiece. The battery-powered hearing aid belongs to the CIC type, so it’s little noticeable to others. Its compact design sits discreetly in your ear and comes with silicone sleeves that ensure an optimal fit.
The product supports making phone calls and listening to music and is great for public places where you want to keep your hearing loss hidden. The app offers remote support, so you can get in touch with a hearing specialist over the phone. Signia Silk 2 X works great, but please note it’s for those with mild hearing issues.
Starkey Evolv AI 2400 (CIC)
Here’s another complete-in-canal unit, but one that belongs to premium devices. It costs $4,495 per pair and offers two-way audio and effortless listening. The information indicates the device offers an extra 40% of noise reduction, along with the Edge Mode for speech audibility benefits in certain environments.
Starkey Evolv AI 2400 has a simple tap control to stream music or calls, it comes with a remote control app that offers volume adjustments and activity tracking.
Phonak Virto Paradise P70
The great thing about these hearing aids is that they are the third generation in this series, which means the manufacturer improved the device over time. You can expect a crisp natural sound and excellent understanding when someone speaks at a distance or quietly.
Phonak Virto Paradise P70 comes with a custom fit, which means the specialist will take the mold of your ear canal to ensure a perfect fit. Dynamic noise cancelation is a convenient feature, and you can connect the device to other gadgets via Bluetooth technology.
Additional Services & Products
Yes Hearing has a repair warranty that lasts for two years from the moment of purchasing the product. It covers any potential manufacturing defects, but it doesn’t include the accessories.
You can try the basic hearing test on the company’s website, but it’s more of a preference selection that will refer you to scheduling a consultation with an audiologist or hearing specialist
Features & Functionality
As a licensed retailer, the idea of Yes Hearing is to provide an in-home service that maximizes your comfort when ordering a hearing aid. All instruments are made by other manufacturers and not the company itself, so Yes Hearing doesn’t have a dedicated app. Keep reading to learn more about its devices, features, and the activation process.
Types of Models
Yes Hearing works with five different brands, including Phonak, Oticon, Starke, Signia, and ReSound. Thanks to that, they have dozens of devices available, including the following:
- Rechargeable and battery-powered. The general rule is that rechargeable devices are a bit more expensive.
- Bluetooth. These units use Bluetooth technology and are usually a user favorite.
- In-ear devices. These are virtually invisible since they go inside the ear canal.
- Receiver in canal (RIC). It’s an open-fit hearing device placed behind your ear to send sound to your canal via a tube.
Ease of Use
Yes Hearing is available in the majority of the United States, and they try to customize the purchasing experience to your individual requirements. Hearing specialists come to your door to install the device and ensure adequate fitting, which is a nice touch. It’s also nice that they follow up and are available for any necessary consultations.
The website is easy to use, and you get a personal account to track your orders and other details. The only downside is that the pricing of some hearing instruments is only available upon calling the company.
Customer Service
Customer support is available from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM ET and on Saturdays from 10 AM to 5 PM ET. Here’s how you can get in touch with the agents and what else you can expect on the website:
You can contact Yes Hearing email support through their website.
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